The average vacation will set you back over a thousand dollars, which can really add up if you’re on an extended backpacking trip. Keeping costs down is essential for most people, who are traveling without an income. However, on vacation, the cost of tours, accommodation, eating out and endless transport make it difficult to stick to a strict budget. With the stress and exhaustion that comes with moving from town to town, many backpackers struggle to be frugal. To get the most out of your travels, use the tips below to become a wanderlust warrior, unconstrained by financial hardship.
Pay your debts before you leave
While traveling, you don’t want to think about sending off regular payments to the debt collector. Before you start saving for your trip, try and pay off all outstanding debts. This will mean you can use all of your money for the basics of food, accommodation, and transport. It will also ensure you have a solid credit rating. If you get into trouble, a high credit score will allow you to take out an emergency loan.
Find a dorm with a kitchen
Hostels are a backpacker’s dream. They allow you to have fun and make friends while having a bed and a roof over your head for a very low price. However, they are not all equal. Some hostels will throw in breakfast for free, which saves the daily and expensive stops at the coffee shops. You should also look for a dorm with a kitchen. If you are on the road for a long time, then dining out each night will eat into your budget. With a kitchen, you can whip up a cheap meal at least some nights to significantly cut one of your biggest expenditures.
Supplement with side hustles
To ensure you don’t go broke, having a small income could help to cover some of your costs. Finding some freelancing work is a good start. Perhaps you can blog about your travels. This is fun, preserves the memories and may bring in a small cash flow. If you are in a country which accepts baht, while working online and being paid in dollars, then just a couple hours a week could help to pay for that week’s accommodation.
Traveling doesn’t need to be expensive, but frugal wandering requires some pre-planning. Pay off all debts beforehand and save as much as possible. Take advantage of cheap hostels, specifically searching for somewhere with free coffee and a kitchen so you can cook. Doing some freelancing can also bring in some income, so you can stay out on the road for longer.
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