Saturday, June 30, 2018

Ways to Keep Your Customers Reassured Online

In today’s business world, so many transactions are completed entirely online. And this puts many small companies at a disadvantages as they don’t have the same reputation and level of trust of their larger counterparts. Therefore, you need to do everything that you can to keep your customers reassured and comfortable when they are browsing your website and potentially buying products through your site. In this blog post, we will provide you with just a few of the ways in which you can accomplish this challenging feat. So, let’s get started!

Keep Your Customers Informed

First and foremost, you need to keep your customers informed every step of the way. You can do this online by providing clear signposting throughout your website, telling them about what is happening as they go along. You can also keep them up to date via email - perhaps informing them when they still have items in their basket, when they have made a purchase, when their products are on the way, and if there are any issues or problems that you think that they should be informed about.

Show Your Customers Your Safety Credentials

A small padlock in the corner of the screen can go a long way towards showing your customers that your website is trustworthy. You can also implement tools and use Netverify to verify identifications. But a much more simple way of making sure that your customers trust you is by making a professional website that easily stands up to your bigger competitors. Customers are much less likely to rely on a site that looks like it have been cobbled together quickly. Even seemingly small details like spelling and grammar mistakes can end up making them think twice.

Show Customer Testimonials and Reviews

While your clients may be a little sceptical about you bragging about your own success, they are much more likely to trust third party testimonials and reviews. So, to start off with, you need to get some of these in the first place from your most trusted clients who you can rely on to say good things about your business. When you get some that you like, you should make sure that these are displayed prominently on your website - with links back to their profiles where possible to demonstrate that they are 100 percent genuine.

Offer Trusted Payment Methods

While people may be wary about putting their credit card details online, they may be more willing to use PayPal which is generally considered to be a more reliable method of paying. So, make sure that you offer a wide variety of payment methods so that your customers can choose the ones which best suit them.
Making your customers feel safe and reassured online is one of the most valuable things that you can do to increase your online sales. These are just some of the best ways in which you can achieve this goal, so why not try putting them into practice?