If you live the life of an expat, then you really are living the life. You never know what you’re going to be doing one day to the next, and life is just thrilling. Having no fixed abode might seem like a bit of a nightmare to those outside of the situation, but the experiences you get to have travelling around the world are just amazing. But at the same time you have to be able to come home and have breaks in between. There will be family missing you, friends to catch up with, and you might even need to try and make a little bit of money if you haven’t been able to do it on the road. Considering you might not be lucky enough to keep being on the road, you’re just going to have to fill your time in between with something, because pulling yourself out of that travelling lifestyle can just be so hard. So, we want to try and show you how you can keep your mind occupied between your destinations, and why home is always going to be where the heart is.
If you’re always on the move, then you’re definitely going to need a few home comforts from time to time. Of course, all of the amazing things that you’ve seen along the way will more than make up for your lack of home comforts, but it’s so important that you don’t detach from it altogether. We think this is done best by going home every few months to remind yourself that you’re never too far away from home. Because if you’re travelling solo, which no doubt is one of the best experiences in the word, it still can be pretty lonely. So, in between your travels, get home and catch up with everyone. Stay at your parents home so you can truly relax with them and get the most out of the time with them. Go to see your friends and do all of the things you have missed out on whilst travelling, and just generally feel at peace with where you end up.
It’s so important that you find a way to make your money in between trips if you want to carry on living the life you’re living at the minute. One way we think works well, is looking at van hire, and doing some jobs for people in the local community. Facebook is a wonderful thing, and all you have to do is advertise yourself as a man with a van, and you’ll bring in so much money doing the odds jobs. Whilst it might not be as much as it would if you were to take on a job, it gives you the freedom of being able to enjoy home, keeping your mind occupied, and knowing that you’re making some money to put towards you next flight.
Finally, if you find yourself twiddling your thumbs, take some time to plan your next route. You can look in detail what flights are going to suit your best, and how to get the best deals. Sometimes if you’re booking in a rush it’s easy to book the first thing you see, rather than having a look around.