If you would like to see the world but don’t have a huge budget to blow, it is important that you plan your trips and take advantage of some of the lower cost travel options that will take you further for less. Below you will find a few ways to travel the world and see more of the countries without having to pay travel agents’ commission and premium prices.
One of the best things about camping is that you will not only connect with the culture of the place, but also nature at the same time. You will save money on accommodation, and a smaller SUV will serve you just as well as a larger car. You will be able to find campsites with log cabins, too, if you want to stay longer and are craving a bit more comfort. Today, there are plenty of great route planning sites for people who want to go camping around the country or even visit other continents.
To feel more independent and save time on erecting your tent, you can also go caravanning. There are some RV hire places allowing you to pick up your mobile home at your location. Alternatively, you can check out www.lewisrv.com.au to find the model, size, and style that will serve you the best on your next road trip. If you don’t have space for storing a caravan, hiring one might be the best solution.
Staying in other people’s homes and taking advantage of the expert advice of locals is many people’s favorite way of seeing the world. If you are outgoing and would like to make new friends, be introduced to the customs and even get tips on getting around and local attractions, this can be a great way to travel.
If you simply don’t want to spend much money on accommodation, you can ask your friends around the world whether you can visit them. Of course, you will need to take a present and pay for the food, not to mention offering to return the favor, but it will still be much more convenient and safer than staying with strangers. Trekking the globe and spending some quality time with your friends is a winning combination.
In case you don’t mind a bit of inconvenience, you can go backpacking. There is something magical about not planning which city you will wake up the next day and being involved in the country’s life by using public transport and visiting places frequented by the locals. You can stay at hostels, sleep on the train, and make the most out of your limited time and budget while traveling.
If you would like to make your holiday budget stretch as far as possible, you should consider one of the above options. You can go further, see more, and make more friends if you stay flexible and use unconventional ways of traveling and exploring different cultures.